Friday, January 4, 2008


Hi all -
I know, I've been lax in writing. Tim & I weathered the Holidays with much food, wine and laughter. This time of year makes me appreciate how many blessings our family has been given, especially during some really rough times these past few years.

Just to remind all of us over a certain age what Christmas was like at Seventh Street, here's a great picture of Christmas night 1968 - The people in the pic from the lower right corner around the room are:

Adrian Miner, Doug Miner, Terry Hopkins (Wendy's little arm by Doug), Stan Miner, Polly Miner (brown outfit), Jeanine Miner (yellow) Wilda Miner, Bud Hopkins, Rick Maidlow, Marlene Maidlow, Charlie Curran (by Marlene's left elbow), Grammie Miner, Ella Clewley (Wilda's Mom), Marie Maidlow and moi.


Carol McKenna said...

K and T,

So funny and so fun!
Are those my stylin'Grecian curls in an updo behind Uncle Doug's head?


Brian said...


Great picture. We need more of the same. Now add a comment and name everyone in the picture. I didn't know who was behind Marleen's elbow, but Carol tells me it's Charlie.

Brian said...

Carol is also in the picture.... Above Buddy's head. :))